Minimaliste, free minimal WordPress theme

June 6, 2014

Minimaliste is a clean responsive WordPress theme that displays well on all kind of devices. You can use this theme for your personal blog, photography or portfolio website.

The theme allows for a different slider in every page or post.

  • Compatible with the latest WordPress version.
  • 100% responsive design.
  • Front page slideshow.
  • Ability to have slider on every post or page
  • Integrated social media icon fonts, 11 available.
  • Custom menu system, multi-level dropdown
  • Featured post images.
  • One widget ready location.
  • Integrated blog pagination.
  • Threaded comments.
  • Compatible with all major browsers.


  1. Damien says:

    How do I edit the images shown in the slider?

  2. Connie says:

    Can you choose NOT to have a slider on the other pages, and only have it on the front page? How would you be able to do that?


  3. Jowey says:

    Can I disable the slider function for a particular page and maintain the image slider for the other pages?

    – J

  4. thomas says:

    I’ve checked the slider box on two pages.
    Is it possible to reorder the posts inside the slider?

    Can you tell us some more about “how the slider order the pictures”?


    btw: great theme!

  5. This is great! Thank you so much.

    Is there a way to remove the link to the posts on the slider?

    For example, I only really want to use the slider to display my work.. Is this possible?

    • Edy says:

      In ‘header.php’ file replace this code

      <li><a href=”<?php the_permalink() ? rel=”nofollow”>” title=”<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”>
      <?php the_post_thumbnail(‘slidethumb’); ?>

      with this one

      <li><?php the_post_thumbnail(‘slidethumb’); ?></li>


  6. Also,

    Is there a way to remove the Front Page Widget??

  7. Dylan says:

    Great theme – just wondering with the blog section, if it is possible to have each post come up one after another like normal rather than in the slider format? Thanks in advance

    • Kat says:

      I would also REALLY like this too! there are no options in this theme for “post format” as in other themes… like “quote” or “news” ect….would be really nice if we could change the way that posts were displayed.

      The slider is nice if you are a photographer, and are mainly interested in displaying image content, but if you are a blogger it’s not that great because people have to roll over the image to see what the post is…and then all they see is a title

      It’s probably an overhaul of the whole theme to change – but is there a quick fix for example in the header.php? would make my day!! thank you for this theme, it’s beautiful and simple and easy to use….only this one little thing would be so great.

      best, kat

  8. Kat Walker says:

    Thank you for the great theme!

    If you look at my site, the front photo floats lower than it should – almost so you can’t see it – is there a way to move it higher up? maybe by changing the front page widget?

    Best, Kat

  9. Mia says:

    How do you use this theme? I’m not able to add any images. I wanted to use it as a portfolio but so far no content.

  10. Ashley says:

    I’m not seeing where we can add social media icons/links in the upper right. Is it with another plugin?

  11. Ashley says:

    Please ignore the last comment. I hadn’t scrolled down far enough in the customize area 🙂 great theme!

  12. Reuben says:

    How do I remove the responsive menu? Not the main menu, but the menu drop down on phone screens

  13. Jonathan says:

    Thank you for this nice theme!
    I would like to know how do disable the hover effects for the content area on the homepage that features the recent blogposts.

    (the site is in the coming soon mode, I can disable it, if you need to have a look)

  14. Jonathan says:

    oh and btw. I am using a child theme…

  15. Thomas says:


    First of all, thanks for the great theme, It took me a while to figure out but it works very user-friendly!

    One question though, when I resize the browser window to the scale of phone screens, the menu transforms to a standard looking drop-down menu. Is there a simple way of changing that to the original look?

  16. Carrie says:

    Looking for code to enable the same text or logo to show at the bottom of each page consistently. Please provide such code if possible.

    MINIMALISTE theme allows “Simply Elegant” professional presentation of works of art with it’s customization options. Thank you!

    • Edy says:

      Hi Carrie,

      If you want the logo in the footer, you can paste the code below in ‘footer.php’ file
      <div id=”footerlogo”><a title=”&lt;?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( ‘name’, ‘display’ ) ); ?&gt;” href=”&lt;?php echo esc_url( home_url( ‘/’ ) ); ?&gt;” rel=”home”> <!–?php if (get_theme_mod( ‘logo_img’ )) : ?–> <img src=”&lt;?php echo esc_url(get_theme_mod( ‘logo_img’)); ?&gt;” alt=”” /> <!–?php else : ?–>
      <h1 class=”site-title”></h1>
      After that you can style #footerlogo to make it appear where you want.


  17. Jerry says:

    The image slider on the home page disappears after i click to a different page on my site then click back to home. All other pages content remain the same (no sliders on them).

  18. Edy says:

    Hi Jerry,

    If you display the latest posts in the front page like in the demo, no title will appear.

    If you want to keep a static page in front but remove the title, add this code to style.css file

    .home h1.entry-title { display: none }


  19. Anthony says:

    Hello, I am a beginner and I want to know how to display the images in the slider and for the display ” blogspot ” I read the “readme.txt” file , but it does not work , it shows me a gray background… Thanks

    • Edy says:


      You need to add a featured image to each post or page you have included in the slider as per the readme file.

      It is more helpful if you include also the url of your website so we can take a look.


  20. Kat says:

    Hey Edy, I just spent like 3 hours trying do make a blog scroll… there are no options in this theme for “post format” . it would be really nice if we could change the way that posts were displayed.

    The slider is nice if you are a photographer, and are mainly interested in displaying image content, but if you are a blogger it’s not that great because people have to roll over the image to see what the post is…and then all they see is a title

    It’s probably an overhaul of the whole theme to change – but is there a quick fix for example in the header.php? would make my day!! thank you for this theme, it’s beautiful and simple and easy to use….only this one little thing would be so great.

    you can see what I just spent half the day doing! looks kinda crappy tho. under tab more–>articles and thoughts
    best, kat

  21. kat says:

    that’s what i thought, thanks for your help anyway

  22. Natasha says:


    i love the theme, however I cant seem to set a slider and my blog post are coming up on the home page which is fine but the photos arent coming up its just a bunch of grey squares.


  23. Natasha says:

    Yeah I did that, it still won’t make a slider. It also won’t show any of the images at all on the front page…

  24. Natasha says:

    The problem was I was using the Nextgen glallery and not the wordpress provided one. Le sigh, sorry to bother and thank you

  25. Carla says:

    Hi, I’m using this amazin theme and I love it!!
    But I have a problem on pages and posts because the text, when it arrives at the end of the space for content goes in a new line breaking the words without any sense!… how I can fix it?! THANKKS for your help!

    • Edy says:


      In style.css file replace this code

      .entry p {
      	margin:8px 0;
      	-ms-word-break: break-all;
          word-break: break-all;
          word-break: break-word;
      	-webkit-hyphens: auto;
         	-moz-hyphens: auto;
          hyphens: auto;

      with this one

      .entry p {
      	margin:8px 0;


  26. Jimmy says:

    Hi, It’s a good theme, thabk you!

    I want to report a, um, bug?
    When page was setted as a template other than “default”, it’s unable to set feature image to the first page slide. Even you click ‘Check the box to feature post in the slider’ and saved, it shows as unchecked.

    Thank you again to made this good theme and release it free!

  27. I use this beautiful theme for my friend website, but slide don’t work with qtranslate-x, when I mark more pages to slider the slider display always the same, the first, I think that the problem is in froeach cycle in file functions what can I do?
    Have a nice day Luca

  28. Bertrand says:

    I’m using your perfect theme Minimal.
    How can i do to reduce the header?

    • Edy says:


      Do you mean reduce the height of the slideshow? In the functions.php file you have this line

      add_image_size('slidethumb', 1000, 500, true);

      500, stands for 500px. If you reduce it the slideshow’s height will be reduced as well. Note that after making the change you need to regenerate your thumbnails using the ‘Regenerate Thumbnails’ plugin.


    • Bertrand says:

      Thanks for the slide show i’ll test it.
      And is it possible to have the logo on top of the header without margin?

    • Edy says:

      There are the social icons above the logo. You can reduce the top margin of #socialize and #logo in ‘style.css’ file.


  29. Danielle says:

    I’m quite new at WordPress blogging.. I’m trying to get the slider working on my main page, and I’ve tried to find the read me file, but where “in the theme” is it located?


  30. Danielle says:

    How does the “featured image” integrate with the theme? Can’t get the image in the post to appear in a slider.

    • Edy says:

      Do you mean the slider in the front page? Yes. the featured image will appear there if you feature that post in the slider. More details in the ‘readme’ file located inside the theme.


  31. Scott says:

    I installed your theme last night and love it only problem I’m having is that I ‘m seeing Duplicate images on my home page. (I removed the Home heading) Is there a way to remove the images I’m seeing below the slider? Lastly would be awesome if I could put video in the slider any way to do that? Thanks.

    • Edy says:

      Did you assign a static page to the front page? You can have latest posts and you can configure the slider differently, please refer to ‘readme.txt’ file located inside the theme.

      If you want to keep your current setup, remove the images from the page view, it is enough for the images to be attached to the page, you don’t have to view them visible in page view.


  32. edder says:

    Buenas quiesiera saber como quitar los titulos de cada pagina que se ponen por defecto por ejemplo pongo contacto y aparece cntacto el cual quisiera que no diga nada.

  33. Danielle says:

    Hi there

    At the bottom of my website I cannot seem to figure out how to get rid of all the extra unneeded links underneath the “META” title… where would I edit to get rid of this?

  34. Anthony says:


    I Would like to know to delete the title pages.


  35. Reuben says:

    Is there any way to center the blog thumbnails(the ones that hover)?

  36. Reuben says:

    I want the thumbnails to center out so that when I have 6 posts, the bottom 2 are centered. Is that possible?

  37. Carrie says:

    Suggest inserting image first then add
    at the start of “insert image/media”code for inserting image….This worked to show galleries in the center.

    Hope that helps…

  38. Carrie says:

    Well, twice the code was included and neither of the replies showed here. Worth a try…..

  39. Marcella says:

    Hi! I’m using your loving theme!
    One question: in the readme file you talk about a Right Sidebar
    But I can find only the Front page.

  40. Andreas says:

    Great theme. We are very happy with it.
    But… if the social network icons disappear from one day to another…? Any hint what may cause that?

    Thanks in advance.

  41. mat says:

    Hi, first of all thank you very much for your theme. I have a few questions though, what bugs me the most:

    Is there a way to replace a tumblr social icon with behance one? I know it is a webfont, but is it possible to attach another webfont to the css file and simply replace the character of the “tumblr button” (without changing the variable – it can still be called tumblr button… sorry, I dont know much about coding…) Or is it easier to replace this “t” symbol with an image?

    Secondly, is it possible to make the slides only on the front page non-clickable?

    3. Is there a quick way to replace the effect of social icons from spinning to fading to grey or flipping?

    Kindly hank you for any advice…

    • Edy says:

      Hi Mat,

      1. The icons are powered by Genericons, there is no Behance icon available. You can try replace it with another icon font. Every icon font has instructions how to embed them.

      2. To make the slider not clickable, in header.php file replace this code

      <li><a href=”<?php the_permalink() ?>” title=”<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”>
      <?php the_post_thumbnail(‘slidethumb’); ?>

      with this one

      <li><?php the_post_thumbnail(‘slidethumb’); ?></li>

      3. To make the icons fade, in style.css file replace this code

      a.socialicon:hover {
      -webkit-animation:spin .3s linear 1;
      -moz-animation:spin .3s linear 1;
      -o-animation:spin .3s linear 1;
      animation:spin .3s linear 1;

      with this one

      a.socialicon:hover {
      opacity: .5;
      -moz-opacity: .5;


    • mat says:

      Thank you so much! Didnt expect such quick response!

  42. katrien says:

    Hi there,
    I deleted the front page slider but now there is a lot of space. How can I fix this?
    Furthermore, the text is too close to the picture, almost like it is going under the picture.

  43. Tom K says:

    Hi, I just wanna say thanks for your theme – great!

  44. Nila says:

    I’m loving this theme! Thank you for it.

    A problem I’m having is that only two featured images/posts appear at a time under one of my menu items, “Blog.” I have to go to the next page to see the third and fourth posts, and then the next page for the fifth and sixth posts. Is there a way to make more than two featured images appear at a time on this page? Thanks!

  45. Wendy says:

    Hi there!

    Oh gosh! After trying a lot of different themes, finally I found this one! It is perfect…for only one thing!

    So I thought I’d ask if this “problem” is fixable.

    When I view my website on a mobile device, the front page slider is not visible until I click; desktop view. When I do this, I only see about half of the slider.

    Is there any way I can fix this?

    Thank you very much!

  46. Elodie says:


    Je ne suis peut-être pas très douée mais je vous pose la question quand même 🙂 !
    Comment faire pour désactiver totalement le slider. Le design du thème me plaît mais le slider ne m’intéresse pas ! Je vous remercie infiniment d’avance !


  47. M says:

    Hi – I have added featured images in my posts and checked the box to add them to the slider but they are not appearing on the front page (only on each individual post). Can you help?

    • Edy says:


      I can see the slider displaying fine. Are you set. However you must use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin and use bigger image so they display nicely.

      Please read the ‘readme.txt’ file located inside the theme.


  48. Hi there, thanks for your theme. I can’t seem to work out how to get the gallery you have in the demo version. Is this a separate plugin or widget?

    As in the 8 square photos that link to new pages on the site.

    Could you help me with this?

  49. gianni says:

    great theme !
    you can publish more than ten top images ( gray squares ) ?
    the eleventh creates a second page
    as you can add more than ten square on the home ?

    grande tema!
    è possibile pubblicare più di dieci immagini top ( quadrati grigi) ?
    l’undicesima crea una seconda pagina
    come è possibile aggiungere più di dieci quadrati sulla home?

  50. Gianni says:

    the rollover effect on post square of home …. that turn gray ….. does not work on tablets …… the rollover does not work on touch … there a solution ?

  51. gianni says:

    the Rollover of the home does not work on tablets, touch and ipad

  52. Ida says:

    Hello! I’m having some problems with the image scales in my home page but also within my posts. The images are coming out as way too big! I love the theme… but there seems to be no auto scale within it. Does anybody have any ideas about how I may get around this probelm?

    • Edy says:

      Hi Ida,

      You can try and use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin if your images were added prior to activating the theme.


      • Ida says:

        Thank you very much!It looks much better already! Do you know how to choose which images go into the slider ? They appear to pop up randomly and even after I delete images. And how to make the theme look better on a phone?


  53. If you don’t attach images to a certain page the slider will not appear.

  54. Adam says:

    I installed this theme and I keep getting an error which states that:
    “Mobile Menu Only Works With ul/ol”

  55. Suzi says:

    Hello! Amazing theme, I just wondered whether there is a way to remove/change the ” . Powered by WordPress. Theme by Viva Themes” text at the bottom of every page please? Thank you 🙂

  56. Sam says:

    Your demo has the following at the top of the screen…

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘output_key’ in /homepages/21/d289348189/htdocs/demo/themes/minimaliste/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 601

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘output_key’ in /homepages/21/d289348189/htdocs/demo/themes/minimaliste/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 601

    Warning: Illegal string offset ‘output_key’ in /homepages/21/d289348189/htdocs/demo/themes/minimaliste/wp-includes/nav-menu.php on line 601

  57. Ciao!
    Perchè alcuni articoli visualizzano lo slider delle immagini e altri no?
    Come è possibile eliminare lo slider all’interno degli articoli?

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