University is a responsive WordPress theme that can be used for different types of institutions and organizations. In the front page there is a slider where you can feature as many pages or posts as you want. Below that another section with featured pages and posts.
- Compatible with the latest WordPress version.
- 100% responsive design.
- Front page slideshow.
- Integrated social media icon fonts, 11 available.
- Custom menu system, multi-level dropdown
- Featured post images.
- One widget ready location.
- Integrated blog pagination.
- Threaded comments.
- Translation ready, .pot file provided.
- Compatible with all major browsers.
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Love the theme. I must be blind but I can not find where to add the images for the front page slider.
haha figured it out!!
there should be the option “upload image”.just find that
Inside the theme there is a readme.txt file where you have more details how to configure the theme.
The “University” theme homepage’s simple style, suits my needs well without the comment section, however I do not wish to use the right sidebar on the pages either. I would like to remove the right sidebar to eliminate the empty space. Is there an easy way to remove the “right sidebar” on the pages of the “University Theme” so that the pages content will be more centered though still left justified? Thanks
Hi Jason,
You can select the full width page template for each page you create. You can do so in the templates dropdown in ‘Page Attributes’, located in the right colum when you edit a page.
You can also disable comments for each page. You need to enable the ‘Discussion’ box in the ‘Screen Options’, top right corner when you edit a page, and disable comments there.
That is perfect! thank you for bringing those controls to my attention. I greatly appreciate your help! Viva Themes rocks!
I am working on a site.As you can see when you put your mouse over ABOUT US menu bar.Its option > WHO ARE WE is overlapping with the LEVEL 2 menu bar’s item GALLERY.
i tried everything.
How to fix it ?
I am using University : Viva theme.
I see it is working fine now. I would suggest however to keep the menu in one line, looks nicer. If you need all the first level menu items, you can decrease the font size of the menu.
In style.css file look for
just change the font-size.
can we have a static image in the slider?
also, if we put multiple images into the slider how can we have more basic transitions
You can have a single image in the slider I guess.
To change the transition effect, in ‘camera.js’ file, located in the ‘js’ folder of the theme, near the top you have this line
below that line you have a list of available effects, you can replace ‘random’ with any of those.
How can i add caption of my own on the main slider images?
When featured with the page.It shows its title as the caption.I tried to solve this issue by reading your readme.txt file.But of no use.
You can create a custom field with name ‘slidetitle’ in any each page you have included in the slider, and in the value area enter the caption you want.
You can enable the custom fields in the ‘Screen Options’, top right corner when you edit a page or post.
I must be more blind than Julia because I can’t find the file anywhere. Adding images to the slider is what I’m looking for.
stupid computer! that should be readme.txt not realm whatever
The file is inside the theme. Maybe you better download the theme to your computer and check there.
Thanks alot 🙂
caption issue resolved 🙂
Can you p[laese guide me hoe to make any registration form with my own required fields in this theme?
You should probably use a plugin. like with any other theme.
Just to make sure I understand, all sliders are connected to a page/post. Is there a way to add a slider with no link at all to a page/post? Just a picture?
Also, maybe this is immaterial (I don’t know much about things like this) but I noticed a sizing conflict in the readme:
When you edit a post or page, in the top of the right column you will see…The slider images will be automatically resized but suggested size is 950x460px.
Slider images – 960x450px
You can create a custom field named ‘slidelink’ and in the value area enter the home page url or just a ‘#’ sign. That way the slide will not link to the page/post.
You can enable the custom fields section in the ‘Screen Options’ top right corner when you edit a page or post.
The images size is probably a typo from my side, size is 950x460px.
I have an issue.
When i put my cursor over drop down menu bar.
I want its color to be changed from white to blue.
What should be done to achieve this?
It seems you have fixed it by changing the background color.
I wanted to ask that how can i change the size of inner box of my site?the wrapper thing that contains my site can i increase its size?
Just increase the width of #outerwrapper in style.css file.
Is there a way to disable the featured post animation and image rotations?
Awesome work btw.
Do you mean remove the image slideshow? You can remove this code in ‘header.php’ file
also, to remove unnecessary scripts in ‘functions.php’ file remove this part
I believe what gave me is to remove the image slide show completely.
What I wanted is to just disable the animation, circle countdown, left/right arrows on the image, and the title of the featured post when the mouse cursor hovers over it.
Thanks again for your prompt response and help.
If you just need a single image, you can replace the code I gave you in the ‘header.php’ with the code for a single image.
When I mark an article or a page as “featured post”, those marked as “slider post” are removed from slider… :-/
That should not happen, maybe you have a plugin that is causing the problem. Try deactivating them.
I have created two posts to display in my featured posts slider but they aren’t showing up. I created a post that includes my home page text that i want to display at the top of the home page above the featured pages listed below? I have the home page set to static page as it suggests and i have selected posts for slider on each post. Any suggestions?
I see you have featured some posts in the slider. You need to add a featured image to each of the posts or pages you have featured in the slider.
Please check also the ‘readme.txt’ file located inside the theme.
Can I choose/control the order which displays the home slider posts, if I’d want show a certain image as first, for example?
Sure, the newest post/page displays first in the slider, you can just change the publishing times.
How can I remove the footer text:
© 2015 University . Powered by WordPress. Theme by Viva Themes. and change it to my own text. Thank you.
You need to edit it manually in ‘footer.php’ file. You can reach it via ‘Apperance-Editor’ and select the file.
I chose the University theme for its simplicity. However, I’d like to remove the slider totally from the first page. Is there an easy way to do so without editing code? Thanks, Susan
Hi Susan,
In the comments above there are instructions how to remove the slideshow. If you don’t want to edit code, you can install a custom css plugin like this one
and add this css code
#slidecontainer {display:none;}
Thanks Edy, I installed the plugin. I am not sure how to add the css code. Do I go to edit and just add the above? Thanks, Susan
You should have an editor there to enter the code. Please check the plugin usage instructions.
Hey there! Great easy to use theme. Unfortunately the menu in the mobile website doesn’t show up, we use a nested menu structure which seems to be the cause. Is this a feature or a bug?
Hi Melvin,
I am not sure what the problem could be. Maybe a plugin you have installed or some code change you have done. In our demo it is working fine.
I am having the same problem with this theme. At present the full menu is showing on the desktop version. No menu is showing on the table when it is held in portrait view but it showing in landscape view. A menu is showing on the cellphone but it does not show all the menu items.
I have tested and I realize the problem is the sub menu. I took some of the menu items from the sub menu and all showed on the cellphone.
I am having the same problem with this theme. At present the full menu is showing on the desktop version. No menu is showing on the table when it is held in portrait view but it showing in landscape view. A menu is showing on the cellphone but it does not show all the menu items.
I have tested and I realize the problem is the sub menu. I took some of the menu items from the sub menu and all showed on the cellphone.
I am using WordPress 4.5.1
I will check this next week and release an update if necessary.
Hi Edy,
Is the problem me or will it require an update?
the same problem
This university theme work with WordPress 4.2.2? Because I extract into the subdirectory themes and the admin area of wordpress not found the theme and I don’t know what to do.
Hi Jesus,
The theme works fine with wp 4.2.2. Maybe you copied it in the wrong place. Try installing it directly from the backend.
Hi, great theme. I was wondering if I can have the post image above the feature post thumbnails on my home page. Can I do this?
Hi Rick,
Do you mean the slideshow? Please check the ‘readme.txt’ file located inside the theme, there are details there.
I took the slideshow out. I would like to have a feature post image above the three small feature posts section. Or, if I can turn the slideshow into a single feature image? thanks.
You can add the code for a single image where the slideshow code was.
How about instead of a single image that I have to replace inside the code, can I have a recent post image? Thanks.
It’s a nice theme to work with. Color selections are also looks great. Is it possible to show a specific category posts in the home page, below the three featured posts? Displaying all the posts those are already displayed in slider and featured area makes them redundant. Is it possible to achieve? Thanks once again to create such a beautiful theme.
Hi Manas,
That can be achieved, but the easiest thing to do is that you feature pages in the slider and the featured posts, I think you can do that.
Hi Edy,
Finally what I have done that I removed the lower post section with the following CSS:
.home #contentwrapper { display: none; }
It served my purpose. Thanks for your support.
I am using the university theme and have been happy so far. I was trying at one point to add the option of adding comments on specific (not all) pages. The folks at ehost were more than willing to “help” me try to accomplish this but it never happened. As a result I now have text from my Classmates page appearing on my Home page and have no idea how it got there. Of course now ehost claims this is “outside their scope” and they can’t help me. I have told them several times I don’t understand how they were more than willing to access and play around with my website before and now they won’t touch it. Anyway I am trying to get rid this section. Be warned this process of website building is new to me and I have very little knowledge of coding. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi David,
University theme has comments already enabled in pages. You can enable/disable each page comments section by going to Pages in the Dashboad, Quick Edit a page and there’s a checkbox that allows to Enable comments.
To have the latest posts display in the Front Page, or another static page, go to ‘Settings-Reading’.
Thanks Edy I went to each page under Dashboard and none of them have marked to allow comments.
Why are the slider images not responsive on mobile? They get cropped instead of resized
Hi Katie,
They are responsive not cropped. Please check also our demo.
Thank you for your quick response! But I am looking at the theme on mobile now, and the slider images are being cropped not resized.
Just checked again to make sure and they are resized, not cropped. You can resize the browser in the demo to check it out.
The widgets are no longer to the right. They have.dropped to the bottom of.the page
The “Read More” buttons on the featured blog posts on my Static from page are not working. They had broken on the entire site, but the most recent update fixed them. I just noticed that they are have not been fixed on the home page.
Your problem has to do with amazon plugin you are using.
I suggest you install this plugin to enable you to enter custom css code without editing theme files
After that under ‘Appearance – Custom CSS’ add the following css code
Awesome, this didn’t quite work, but it set me on the right path. I was able to figure it out & make things work!
I’m having an issue. I’m getting a Read More in my blog posts. I can’t see the whole thing and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Post example:
hi, how can i change the height of the slider . Great theme by the way.
You need to change the height of the featured image that appears in the slider in ‘functions.php’ file here
I want all the posts of x category to be published automatically in featured posts section, example all posts of category 001 are added automatically in featured posts section!
How do I change the font color of the main text?
Never mind – I figured it out. If anyone else is interested:
Customize –> Additional CSS
Enter this code:
body {
color: red;
Is this theme compatible with WordPress 5?
where can i download the theme data?