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Getaway Instructions

7 min read

Getaway is a tour operator and travel agency WordPress theme, but not only. You can use this theme to build your personal or business website as well.

Theme installation

Unzip file that you downloaded from us and install file. Read more how to install a theme → 

Making theme look like demo

Inside the package you will find a file named getaway.WordPress.xml that you can use to import the demo content. Read more how to make theme look like the demo 

Activate child theme

This theme enables you to create and activate a child theme with just one click, which is the recommended way to modify themes.  Learn how to create a child theme 

Adding a logo image

Go to Appearance → Customize → Site Identity to add a logo image or edit your site title or tagline. Learn how to update your site identity 

Setting up the menu

This theme has two menu locations, the Primary Menu (main menu) and Social (the menu to display your social media profiles). Create menus and assign them to each of the available locations. Learn how to setup WordPress menus 

Social media icons

This theme will automatically display links to your social media profiles as icons, using a Custom Menu. Learn how to setup social media menu 

Header image and content

First add a header image. In your Dashboard go to Appearance → Customize → Header Images. Add the image you want to display. You can add more than one and randomize them.

The site tagline (slogan) will display above the header image.

Below the tagline as seen in the demo there is a text slideshow which displays locations or any other text you might like. To add or change the text, in your Dashboard go to Appearance → Customize → Theme Options. You will see a text area with the title Add slider text, each line inside a tag. Add each piece of text inside span tags in this form


Below this text area you will see a couple of other fields for the Header Call to Action button, where you can set the url and the text to be displayed. If the url field is left empty the button will not show.

Configuring the front page

In the front page below the header image, this theme will display the latest posts by default. You can assign a static page to display in front instead of the latest posts. Learn how to display a static page in front 

This way you can have the Home Page template, a default page, that is a page with a right sidebar, a full width page display in front, instead of the latest posts.

Home page template

This theme comes with a custom made template to create an attractive and very functional home page, just like in our demo.

Top Widget

At the top of the Home Page template there is a widget location named Top Widget. In your Dashboard go to Appearance → Widgets and add a text widget or any other widget type to this location.  Learn how to add widgets 

Featured Content

If you have WP Travel Engine plugin installed and active, the three latest trips will appear automatically below the Top Widget. If the plugin is not active you can feature posts or pages to that section.

To feature a page or post, in the bottom of the right column in the editor, check the box to Feature post in the front page. Add a featured image which will be resized at 600x400px.

To enable the call to action button below the featured trips or pages in the Home Page, in your Dashboard go to Appearance → Customize → Theme Options and add a url to the field Add url for call to action button in featured posts in the front page.

Services section

In this section you can display some important information about your services or what makes you special. First add a background image to the section. In your Dashboard go to Appearance → Customize → Theme Options and Upload a Background Image for about section using the interface.

In your Dashboard go to Appearance → Widgets and add text widgets or any other widget type to the Front Widgets location.  Learn how to add widgets 


This theme includes a custom post type named Places. Further below in the documentation we’ll show how to add places. The newest two places will appear in the Home Page template.

In the left side of the places you can add a widget with some content. In your Dashboard go to Appearance → Widgets and add text widgets or any other widget type to the Places Front Page Widget location. The button will appear automatically and it will point to the Places archive.


First add a background image to the section. In your Dashboard go to Appearance → Customize → Theme Options and Upload a Background Image for testimonials using the interface.

  • To add testimonials go to Testimonials → Add New.
  • Add a title to the testimonial which will appear in the bottom of each testimonial.
  • Add a featured image, which will be resized at 70×70 px.
  • The caption of the featured image will be the name and location of the person (or add any info you want).

The testimonials will appear only in the Home Page template.

Interior header images and subtitles

As seen in our demo, each page or post has a different header image.

This can be achieved by adding a featured image to each page or post. The featured image will be resized to 2000x600px.  Learn how to add featured images to a page or post 

You can assign a default header image in case there is no featured image available. In your Dashboard go to Appearance → Customize → Header Images. Add the images you want to display. You can add more than one and randomize them.

You can also add a subtitle (which will appear above the title) to every page or post. You can do so in the bottom of the right column when you edit a page or post.

Adding tours and trips

The theme is made compatible to work out of the box with WP Travel Engine plugin.

But if you don’t want to use this plugin this theme works fine without it. All sections are replaced with posts and pages if the plugin is not active.

If you need help to get started with WP Travel Engine, here is the documentation.

To include the trips in the menu in your Dashboard go to Appearance → Menus. From the Screen Options (top right corner) make sure Trips are enabled and from the Trips box in the left, click the View All tab and add All Trips to the menu. That is the archive for all trips.

Places (Destinations)

Places is a custom post type included in this theme. This is not dependent on any plugin and works out of the box.

To add a Place in your Dashboard go to Appearance → Places → Add New, and add a new place. Add a featured image to each Place, it will be resized to 800×800 px. You can add a gallery or any content you like inside.

To include the trips in the menu in your Dashboard go to Appearance → Menus. From the Screen Options (top right corner) make sure Places are enabled and from the Places box in the left, click the View All tab and add All Places to the menu. That is the archive for all places.

Contact widget and footer

In the bottom above the footer, there is a widget you can use for a quick contact or any other content.

To display a button like in our demo, here’s the html code you can use

<a class="dbutton" href="url goes here"><span data-hover="Contact Us">Contact Us</span></a>

You can use this code in a text widget or html widget. You can disable the biker from the Theme Options.

In this theme you can edit the footer copyright info from the Theme Options.

Editing colors

You can edit most colors of this theme under Appearance → Customize → Colors.

Page templates

  • Home page: Custom page to display in front.
  • Default: Content page with right sidebar.
  • Full width: Full width page, no sidebar.
  • Plain page: Page with a sidebar without a header image.


  • Sidebar: This location is visible in the right of default pages, plain pages, single places and single posts.
  • Top widget: Visible in the Home Page template below the header.
  • Front Widgets: Visible in the Home Page template, used to display a set of features or services.
  • Places front page widget: Visible in the Home Page template, in the left of featured places.
  • Contact widget: Visible throughout the website, just above the footer.
  • Footer widgets: Visible throughout the website, in the footer.

Featured Images sizes

  • Blog featured images: 500x300px
  • Header images: 2000 x 600px
  • Trips featured images: 600 x 400px
  • Places featured images: 800 x 800px
  • Testimonial featured images: 70 x 70px

If you need more help regarding this theme, please contact us.