Telesis Instructions

Telesis is a creative one page WordPress theme for companies and individuals.

Theme installation

Unzip file that you downloaded from us and install file. Read more how to install a theme → 

Making theme look like demo

Inside the package you will find a file named telesis.wordpress.xml that you can use to import the demo content. Read more how to make theme look like the demo 

Adding a logo image

In your Dashboard go to Appearance → Customize Theme Options and upload your logo image. Suggested image height is 56px.

Configuring the menu

The menu will appear automatically when you install the theme, each linking to their respective section. You can change the menu items’ names under Appearance → Customize → Change Menu Titles.

Change colors

You can change color of all elements in this theme. Go to Appearance → Customize → Change Theme Colors and change color and background of any element you want.

Configuring the slider

This theme has a featured content slider in the top section. You need to feature pages or post to the slider.

  • Create a page or post.
  • Add a featured image to the page you just created, that will be the image that will appear in the slider. Learn how to add featured images to a page or post 
  • In the bottom of the right column of your editor, there’s a section Feature Post in the Slider, check the box to Feature the post in the front page slider.
  • Do this process for as many slides as you need.
  • To have a caption in a slide create a custom field named slidecaption and in the value area enter the caption you want to use. Learn how to enable custom fields 

About Us section

The content in this section is added via widgets. Go to Appearance → Widgets and add widgets to About Us widget location. Learn how to add widgets 

Portfolio section

Above the slider you can add some content via widgets. Go to Appearance → Widgets and drag and drop widgets from the left to the Portfolio Widgets section. In our demo we are using a text a widget. Learn how to add widgets 

To configure the portfolio you need to create a category named portfolio. After that create posts that belong to that category. You need to add a featured image to each post, the image of each post will be included automatically in the slider.

In each portfolio entry you have the option to embed a video instead of the featured image. To do that, create a custom field named video, and in the
value field enter the video embed code. You can embed videos hosted in websites like YouTube or Vimeo. Learn how to enable custom fields 

Who We Are section

The content in this section is added via widgets. Go to Appearance → Widgets and add widgets to Who We Are widget location.

Contact section

The content in this section is added via widgets. Go to Appearance → Widgets and add widgets to Contact Widgets widget location.

To add a background image you can do so under Appearance → Customize → Theme Options.

For the contact form, in our demo we are using Contact Form 7 plugin. If you want to achieve that same form you need to install and activate the Contact Form 7 plugin, and inside a text or html widget enter the shortcode to display the form.

Social media icons

To add social media icons to the footer go to Appearance → Customize → Social Media Icons. There you can enable any social media icon you need by adding your account url to the the respective field.

Featured Images sizes

  • Slider images : 2000 x 1000px
  • Portfolio featured images : 800 x 350px

If you need more help regarding this theme, please contact us.